A Woman’s Place: equality in the 21st century
Welcome to A Woman's Place, a research series from the abrdn Research Institute. Focusing on the often overlooked ‘S’ of environmental, social and governance (ESG), the authors set out to find what drives differences in female participation in the workforce and highlight why diversity and inclusion (D&I) policy really matters for investors.
There is a clear ethical argument for greater equality in the workforce. But there’s a powerful efficiency argument too. Increasing diversity and inclusivity in the workforce can lift incomes and growth by making better use of human capital. In a world where populations are aging and labor productivity growth sluggish, a stronger D&I corporate and government policy agenda could provide a much needed shot in the arm for the global economy.
Of course, D&I goes beyond gender equality. We had hoped to cover race, socioeconomic background and sexual orientation at both the macro and micro level. However, the research uncovered just how limited the data is regarding inequalities at a company and country level.
For an overview of the research’s highlights, you can download our executive summary. If you’re looking for a more technical run down of our findings then please download our full working paper.
Download executive summary Download full working paperThe five key takeaways
We analyzed data for 31 countries from 2002 to 2016 and our findings suggest five clear actions for policymakers and companies wanting to boost female participation. Each finding forms its own edition to the ‘A Woman’s Place’ Series and will be released incrementally throughout the year. Check back for future releases.
Ensure that men have access to paternity leave
Do more to incentivize men to take that leave so that the burden of child-related career breaks is more evenly shared.
Reform taxation systems
Reduce tax wedges for second earners and sole parents to address the unfair care/work trade-off that women face.
Full research paper coming soon
Consider both the quantity and quality of female work
Part-time work and flexible short-term employment is important for women to stay connected with the workforce.
Full research paper coming soon
Strengthen the performance and resilience of the overall economy
Reduce cyclicality of potential growth and strengthen labor markets to facilitate greater overall participation.
Full research paper coming soon
Report more and higher-quality data
Encourage firms to release this information so that we can monitor what companies are doing and understand what really works in terms of improving D&I within firms.
Full research paper coming soon