International Small Caps

Smaller companies. Bigger potential.

Small caps have outperformed large caps over the long term, yet investors often overlook this global universe of stocks. Key benefits include:


Return Potential

Smaller companies make up too much of the global investment universe to ignore. These industry leaders of tomorrow offer return potential for long-term investors.


Expanded Diversification

International small caps provide the opportunity to expand a portfolio’s diversification beyond the U.S., and across market capitalizations.


Value Opportunity

The combination of a large universe and fewer analysts provides active managers like abrdn the ability to add value beyond index returns.

Presenting the Aberdeen International Small Cap Fund

  • A concentrated portfolio of high-conviction, quality small-cap stocks outside the U.S.
  • A combination of broad market coverage and deep company-level insights of our global SC Equity team
  • An intense focus on company fundamentals to help drive performance over the long-term

Funds in Focus

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